While working in a pharmacy, you get to meet a lot of children, some cute, some loud, some messy, some ugly (have you ever seen a really ugly baby and then said to the mother, ‘oh how adorable’?), but I’ll be honest, mostly cute. And I’m saying that because I only have to see them for five to ten minutes at a time. Once they’ve finished being cute in my presence they can go back to their parents and have runny diarrhoea for all I care! I usually only get to see their good side.
So one day, a grandma and grandpa come in to get their prescriptions with their cute little blonde grandson in tow – probably around 2-3 years old. He walks all over the pharmacy asking, “What’s that poppy?”
Grandma and Grandpa are obviously a tad bit annoyed, but I’m finding it cute. My assistant notices that Grandma & Pa don’t want to be chasing him all over the shop, so offers the young lad some stickers one of the pharmaceutical reps left to promote one of their over the counter antihistamines (Yes, promoting to children is slightly dishonest, but it works).
Grandpa and the toddler start putting stickers all over the toddler’s arms, and he stops being so annoying.
I finish the grandparent’s scripts and process the sale through the till. They begin to leave and tell the young one to wave goodbye. Instead he says, “My dick fell off!”
Yes, it definitely sounded like he said his dick fell off! Grandpa immediately asks, “What did you say?”
We all see the boy reaching on the floor for one of his stickers, “Oh, your sticker fell off,” Grandpa said, “That’s ok then. C’mon then, hurry up, Grandma’s waiting.”
See, kids are cute! But only in small doses. You can tell I'm not a parent...
It can help pharmacist too..