When I was studying Pharmacy I was required to do a course in microbiology. This was basically smearing agar plates and growing bacteria. One bacteria in particular a friend and I took an interest in and resulted in my friend creating the following joke. Be warned though, it may be considered 'phunny' (read first post for explanation) but not necessarily funny to the general public.
Well, here goes:
What do you call a Pharmacist who fakes an orgasm?
I know, it's not a very good joke because I'm going to have to explain it, but we found it funny. I did warn you!
Pseudo basically means: sham; false; spurious; pretended; counterfeit. Definition found here. And in reference to the joke, monas being pronounced 'moaners' basically means, well, a moaner. So pseudomonas equals a false moan. Get it now?
Good! But now you're probably thinking, what the hell is a 'Pseudomona?'
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (full nomenclature) is a bacteria that can survive without oxygen and can commonly cause skin and soft tissue infections and otitis externa (ear infections). It may cause other infections such as pneumonia (lung infection) UTI's (urinary tract infections) and gastro, but not so commonly. More info here. Thanks wikipedia ;)
We did also realise that the term, 'Pharmacist' could more accurately be replaced with the term, 'microbiologist,' but we were studying Pharmacy... so... yeah... shut-up!
Pharmacists have nowhere near the experience or knowledge of microbiologists, so please don't assume the two are interchangeable!
ReplyDeleteHaha, but did a microbiologist come up with it? No. My Pharmacist friend came up with it in one of our microbiology labs.
ReplyDeleteI admire your passion but not your lack of a sense of humour...